Our Associates

Join the local business 5-a-side football league by Firmballs, hosted and played here at Arun Sports Arena. For more details click on the below link.
<a href="http://firmballs.com/se/bognor-regis/" target="_blank">Visit Website</a>

Sussex County FA
The Sussex County Football Association regularly hold tournaments and events at the Arun Sports Arena. Check their website on the below link for upcoming event details.
<a href="http://www.sussexfa.com" target="_blank">Visit Website</a>

Chelsea FC
The Arun Sports Arena regularly hosts the Chelsea FC Soccer School. For details on how to sign-up click on the below link.
<a href="http://www.chelseafc.com/the-club/foundation/foundation-soccer-schools/foundation-uk-soccer-schools.html" target="_blank">Visit Website</a>

Wick Dynamos
Wick Dynamos are one of the two local clubs that use our outdoor pitches to train & play league matches.
<a href="http://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/wickdynamosjuniorsfc01" target="_blank">Visit Website</a>

Rustington Raiders
Rustington Raiders, alongside Wick Dynamos, use our outdoor pitches to train and play matches for a number of different teams spanning the entire age range of the club.
<a href="http://scwgfl.weebly.com/rustington-raiders.html" target="_blank">Visit Website</a>